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Creating Kiln Charges

How to create, view and manage Kiln Charges

Aaron LeClair avatar
Written by Aaron LeClair
Updated over a week ago

Creating Kiln Charges is the starting point in the Kiln Charge Workflow within Traece™ and can be located in the Kiln Charges area of the Operations section of the application.

Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator

Creating a new Kiln Charge

  • Enter the Kiln Charges area of the App by selecting Kiln Charges from the left side navigation (under Operations)

  • From here, click on the Add Charge button in the top right hand corner of the view to launch the Kiln Charge creation view

  • Enter the necessary data for the new Charge

  • Selecting a Kiln:

    • When creating a new charge you will first need to associate it with one of your Kilns

  • Set Start and End Dates:

    • Select dates that you wish to run this charge. It is okay if these are not set in stone or if you do not know the dates yet. Make your best guess now, they can always be changed later on in the process

Pro Tip: Using the date fields in your Kiln Charge planning enables you to create and manage a schedule for both your Kilns and your Inventory.

  • Enter a Description

    • This is an optional field but a very useful place to capture the overall plan or goal for this Charge. This note travels along with the Charge throughout the entire process and provides context along the way.

  • Once all of the data has been entered you will hit Submit and the new Charge will be created

Viewing your Charge

  • After the Charge has been created you will return back to the Kiln Charges List View. Your new Charge will be in the Pending status listed under the chosen Kiln

  • To view a Charge, simply click on the pencil icon in the Actions section of the Charge

Editing a Charge

  • When viewing a Charge, you can edit the details of the Charge at any time but entering new information and clicking the Update button

Warning: Only certain fields are able to be updated during a given status. Non-editable fields will be disabled in this view if applicable for the current status

Deleting a Charge

  • To delete a Charge from the Kiln Charge List View click on the trash can icon in the Actions section of the Charge

  • Accept the confirmation modal and your Charge will be removed

NOTE: You are only able to delete Charges in the Pending status.

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