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Loading Material into Kiln Charges

Learn how to Load Material into Kiln Charges in Traece™

Aaron LeClair avatar
Written by Aaron LeClair
Updated over a week ago

The Loading and Unloading steps in the Kiln Charge process are designed to help users manage the real world operation of moving material around their shops. At a high level, they can be thought of as checklists that help you keep accurate track of what you put in or take out of your Kilns.

Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator

Loading Material into the Kiln

  • To begin, open the Kiln Charge by clicking the pencil icon or anywhere in the table row for that Charge

  • Next you will want to make sure that the Charge is in the Loading status as indicated in the Kiln Charge View. If not, click the Start Loading Kiln button to change the status

  • You will then be prompted to confirm the status change and add any optional notes you may wish to capture

Pro Tip: Although entering Notes are optional it is a good practice to enter helpful information during these transitions. All notes are recorded as part of the Charge history.

  • Click Save to complete the status change

  • You will now see the updated Charge View below. Notice how the status has been updated to Loading and the status change has been captured in the history

    NOTE: Please note that as you start the loading process you will now no longer be able to change the Kiln assigned to this Charge.

  • The Charge is now ready to be loaded. Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Charge Material table

Pro Tip: The best way to think about this view is as a Checklist you can use to actively manage the process of locating and loading your material into the Kiln. The view helps you in doing so by providing you with the current Location of items as well as the ability to ‘check off’ items as you load them.

  • There are a number of things we can do from this view

  • Load Material:

    • As you physically place each item into the Kiln click the Material Loaded button for that item in the view. It will then change the Location for that item to be the Kiln itself.

  • Load All Materials:

    • If you do not want to use the checklist feature you can alternatively just load all items at once with the Load All Material button. This will transition all materials to loaded and update their Location to the Kiln

  • Add Material:

    • You are still able to add new material to a Charge during the Loading process. To add material, just click the Add Material button and follow the process outlined in Adding Material to Kiln Charges

  • Remove Material:

    • Just like adding new material you may decide during the loading process that you no longer wish to have an item as part of this load (maybe it just won’t fit!). To remove, just click the trash can icon on the row of the item. This will remove it from the Charge altogether

  • Once all material has been loaded and accounted for your view will look something like the below

  • As you can see in the screenshot all material has a Location of the Kiln and the Charge can now start the Drying process

  • Reverting a Loaded Item: If for some reason you need to revert a load confirmation you did not mean to make simply click the revert icon in the Actions area of the row (seen above)

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