Kiln hardware management is a critical part of your Traece™ setup and the first step in using the Kiln Charges Workflow. Adding and configuring your Kiln in Traece™ is an easy and straightforward process as outlined below.
Required User Level(s): Admin
Accessing Kiln Configuration
Creating and working with Kiln’s is done in the Admin Settings area of your account.
Navigate to your Settings in the top-right of Traece™
Click Configuration on the left hand menu
Click the Kilns tab
Adding a new Kiln to Traece™
To start, click the Add Kiln button at the top right of the Kiln view
Next, enter the information about your Kiln into the modal
Name: the name you want to use for your Kiln
Model: the brand and model of your Kiln
Year: the manufacture year of your Kiln
Height, Width, Length: the drying volume capacity of your Kiln
And hit Save to add your new Kiln
Once saved, you will then return to Kilns view and your new Kiln will be present
Viewing and Editing a Kiln
At any time you can view and edit a Kiln’s information simply by clicking on the pencil icon in the Kilns view
In the Kiln View/Edit screen, simply update the information we wish to change and hit Save
Kiln Status and Kiln Charges
From the Kiln List View you can also readily see the current status of the Kiln as well as a direct link to any Kiln Charges that are associated with that Kiln
Kiln Status:
At any given time a Kiln can be in one of four status states:Available: The Kiln has no active charges and is available for use
Loading: The Kiln has an active charge and is being loaded with material
Drying: The Kiln has an active charge and is drying material
Unloading: The Kiln has an active charge and is unloading dried material
Current Charge:
The Current Charge represents the single active Kiln Charge that is associated with this Kiln
Deleting a Kiln
To delete a Kiln from your account, simply click the trash can icon for that Kiln in the Kiln List View
Once you accept the Confirmation Modal you will be returned to the Kilns List View where you will now see your deleted Kiln at the bottom of the list with a status of Archived
We delete Kilns in this way to ensure that all of your previous operational data with this Kiln is maintained although you will no longer be able to select this Kiln in future Kiln Charges
It is only possible to delete Kilns that are in the Available status. If the Kiln has an active charge associated with it you will need to complete (or delete) that charge before removing the Kiln from Traece™
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