Creating a kiln charge in Traece™ is essential in managing your lumber drying process. This feature allows you to set up and monitor the drying conditions for each batch of lumber, ensuring optimal results. By creating a kiln charge, you can track the start and end dates, monitor the progress, and document the objectives and outcomes of each drying cycle.
Here’s how you can create a kiln charge in Traece™.
Create a Kiln Charge
To create a kiln charge:
From your left-hand navigation menu in Traece™, click on Kiln Charges
Click on Add Charge
Steps to Set Up a New Kiln Charge
Select a Kiln:
When creating a new charge, you must first associate it with one of your available kilns.
Set Start and End Dates:
Select the dates you wish to run this charge.
These dates are flexible; if you are uncertain about the exact dates, make your best guess. You can always change them later.
Enter a Description:
This is an optional field, but it is a useful place to capture the overall plan or goal for this charge.
The description will accompany the charge throughout the entire process, providing context and clarity.
Save the Charge:
Once all the data has been entered, click Save to create the new charge.
The charge will be created with a Pending status.
Benefits of Creating a Kiln Charge
When you create a kiln charge, it helps you maintain consistent quality and optimize your drying process, leading to better overall product outcomes. By following these steps, you can easily create a kiln charge in Traece™ and effectively manage your lumber drying operations.
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