The primary advantage to using the Traece™ Kiln Charge Workflow is having highly detailed and accurate information around the drying of your material. By leveraging the workflow you have a complete record of how your material was produced that can be referred back to at any time. This information can be viewed for each piece of material in the Inventory view.
Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator
Open the Kiln History View
To view the Kiln History simply open any Slab or Pack Inventory item in the view mode
Next, click on the Kiln History tab at the top of the modal
In this view you will see a detailed status history for this inventory item
From this view you can see:
Status Changes:
Precise timestamps for when this material was added to the Charge (Pending - Kiln) and for when it was drying (Kiln Drying)
Associated Charge:
You also have access to a direct link to the Charge that this material was associated with. Clicking the link will open the original Charge in another tab