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Reviewing Previous Kiln Charges

Learn how to review already complete Kiln Charges in Traece™

Aaron LeClair avatar
Written by Aaron LeClair
Updated over a week ago

One of the biggest advantages of using the Kiln Charge Workflow is the ability to go back at any time and review that information directly in Traece™. This is because Traece™ maintains detailed records for all of the Kiln Charges processed for your account. To review a previous Charge at any time, follow the instructions below.

Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator

View a previous Kiln Charge

  • While viewing the Kiln Charge List View you can view a list of all completed Charges for a specific Kiln at the bottom of the table for that Kiln

  • To view the Charges, click anywhere in the row to expand the grouping

  • With the group expanded you can see a list of all the past Charges for this Kiln

  • Clicking View Charge will open that Charge for more details such as the Charge Details

Charge Details and Status History

  • At the top of the Charge view you can review the Charge Details for information such as Start & End Dates as well as the Charge Description

  • Next you can review the Charge Status History for a detailed record of the Charge process

NOTE: Remember to expand the rows to view the full information such as measurement data and notes!

Charge Material

  • At the bottom of the view you will see all of the material dried in this Charge in the Charge Materials table

  • In this table you can see all of the material that went through the drying process as well as its current Location and Status. This is an extremely helpful way to see what material you have left from a given Charge batch.

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