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Embed Settings - Transaction Preferences

How to use Embed - Transaction Preferences in Traece™

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a year ago

We've enhanced the embed setup process with improvements to the Embed Settings. Transaction Preferences simplifies the selection of account claim/direct purchase options, leading to a cleaner and more user-friendly interface.

The option will ONLY be seen once the client has enabled Embed.

Under Settings ➝ Embed Settings, we added another tab called Transaction Preferences.

Note: You can only enable one transaction option at a time.

Configuring Transaction Preferences

The user can choose from three Transaction Preferences options: Claim, None, and Direct Purchase.

To use the Direct Purchase option, you need to have Payment Integration set up. Without it, the option will not be visible.

In case the Payment Integration is not configured, we display the following interface:

If None is selected, only the items will be displayed on Embed. Customers will not be able to claim or purchase items.

If the User chooses to Claim or Direct Purchase, the Material Type field will be automatically populated. This field allows the user to customize the type of material they want to display on the embed for either claiming or purchasing. After the field is populated, the User can select Slabs, Packs, or both Slabs and Packs.

After you have finished making the necessary adjustments, click on the Save button to save the changes.

Note: The user can't enable both partially claimed and direct purchase options simultaneously.

Attributes Removed

From Slab Card Details and Pack Card Details, we have removed the following attributes:

  • Enable Claim

  • Enable Stripe/Direct Purchase

  • Enable claim items button

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