Traece™ can automatically send an email notification to both you and the customer when an item is purchased on your website. This feature helps you stay informed about your sales while providing a convenient way to keep your customers informed about their purchase.
Required User Level(s): Admin only
Step 2: Embed Settings | Email
Navigate to your Settings in the top right corner of Traece™
Click on Settings from the left-hand menu
Click on the Embed Settings tab
Click on the Email tab
Email Subject: When an email is automatically generated after a purchase is made, this is the Subject Line that your customer will receive
Order Email Message: This is the email that your customer will receive upon purchasing an item. You may customize the Email Message however you would like, including adding in short code, including:
{{first_name}} : Customer First Name
% raw %} : Includes any Comments the customer may have entered during the checkout process
{{shipping_quote}} : Yes/No will indicate if this customer has requested shipping for their item(s)
{{}} : Slab Name (ex. Black Walnut BL 72)
{{s.number}} : Slab Number (ex BL 72)
{{s.price}} : Slab Price
{{s.need_sanding}} : Yes/No will indicate if this customer has requested sanding
{{s.need_surfacing}} : Yes/No will indicate if this customer has requested surfacing
{{seller_name}} : This is your company name
{{seller_phone}} : This is your company telephone number
Client Email Message: This is the email that Traece™ automatically sends to you when someone purchases an item from your website. In addition to the customized fields you can include in the Order Email Message, you can also include other information, such as
Email From: This is the email address that the automated “Order Email Message” will come from
Email from Name: This is a “Friendly” name that may be your Company name or perhaps one of your sales representatives.
Default Ordered Label: Upon purchasing an item, this is the message that will appear after they’ve completed their order. (Example: “Thanks for your purchase! You may pick up your order Monday - Saturday, 8am - 5pm.”)
Click Save