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Step 1: Embed Settings | General

Discover the process of adding Traece™ to your website through Embed Settings

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a year ago

To initiate the process of selling your wood directly through our eCommerce integrations, Step 1 of this guide will assist you in adding the appropriate settings in Traece™.

Required User Level(s): Admin only

Step 1: Embed Settings | General

  • Navigate to your Settings in the top right corner of Traece™

  • Click on Settings from the left-hand menu

  • Click on the Embed Settings tab

  • Click on the General tab

  • Click the checkbox next to “Allow Public URL”

  • Public URL: Put your company name here. This should be written as a single word, all lower case letters. For example, if your company name is “Cambium Carbon” you would enter “cambiumcarbon”

Public URL” is the first part of your custom Traece™ website address that Traece uses to generate the code for your website. In the example above, the URL would be

  • Allowed Statuses: This field tells Traece™ what Statuses display on your website.

For instance, if you have created different statuses like "Milled," "Drying," "Ready to Sell," and "Sold," you can choose to display only the items with the "Ready to Sell" status for purchase on your website. To do this, you need to select "Ready to Sell" from the dropdown menu or manually type it in.

  • Status After Order: This field tells Traece™ what Status an item should automatically change to when an item has been purchased.

For instance, you might have created multiple statuses, such as "Milled," "Drying," "Ready to Sell," and "Sold." After a product's status changes to "Ready to Sell," you might want it to be automatically updated to "Sold" once someone purchases it from your website.

  • Embedded Theme: To maintain brand consistency when a user clicks on your live inventory, it is essential to match the colors and branding of your website. This is where Themes come into play. Traece™ offers several Themes with varying color schemes to help you find the one that best matches your website. We recommend trying different Themes until you find the one that closely aligns with your website color(s).

We recommend you try several themes until you find the one that most closely matches your website color(s).

  • Colors:

    • Similar to Themes, you may select customized Colors for:

      • Left Menu: The Left Menu is the color that appears as the background color of the Left Hand Menu

      • Main Container: The Main Container is the color that appears as the background of the main part of the page that will display your items (slabs, etc)

      • Slab Card: The Slab Card is the section below an image that displays the information of any particular item

  • Color Blocks: When you define a Species/Tree in Traece™, you have the option of assigning a color to that specific Tree Species. If you have done this, you may wish to show that color selection to the left of the Species name on your website.

  • Sticky Header: Selecting Sticky Header means that a header will remain at the top of your Inventory/eCommerce site when someone is scrolling through. The Header contains information such as what Inventory a person is viewing (ex. “All” or by certain species or filters), the number of viewing Results, and the Filter button

  • Sticky Footer: Selecting Sticky Footer means that a footer will remain at the bottom of your Inventory/eCommerce site when someone is scrolling through. The Footer contains information such as the number of pages in the Inventory results

  • Show Empty Menu Items: Select this option if you want to display Species/Items even if you do not currently have any in stock/available for sale

  • Show Location Filter: Use this option if you wish to display the “Location” (which is defined in your Settings of Traece™) as a filter choice. This option is ideal for companies that may operate out of several different locations

  • Show Shipping Option: If you offer shipping to your customers, select this option. It will appear on the Checkout page when a customer is paying for their item(s).

Note: Traece™ does not currently include shipping pricing as part of the ordering process. To avoid confusion, we recommend adding a message to your website indicating that there may be additional charges for shipping if a customer chooses that option.

  • Embedded Map Style: This allows you to select your favorite Map Style. The Map Style you select shows up on the “Story” tab (described later in this guide), which shares the Source Tree information with your customers.

  • Default Page Order: Select the order in which you want your items to appear on the page. Options include (but are not limited to):

    • Highest price

    • Lowest price

    • Newest

    • Oldest

    • Sales Items

    • Species then numeric ASC

  • Default Card Slab Image: If you do not have an image associated with every slab you are selling on your website, you may upload a “default card slab image” here.

  • Default Card Pack Image: If you do not have an image associated with every pack you are selling on your website, you may upload a “default card pack image” here.

  • Click Save

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