Traece™'s Mill Planning feature simplifies the process of selecting logs for milling, making it effortless to identify the logs to be milled initially.
Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator only
Log Selection
When selecting a log for milling, we have added four parameters to help you find the right log efficiently.
The four parameters are:
Species - What is the species of the log?
Minimum and Maximum Acquired Date - What day was the log acquired?
Minimum and Maximum Length (feet) - What is the length of the log?
Minimum and Maximum Diameter (inches) - What is the small end diameter of the log?
You can search for a log using just one parameter.
When searching for a log, you can select multiple species at once.
Log Selection Card
Each card under Log Selection contains specific information about the corresponding log.
The Log Selection Card will show the following details:
Inventory Number - Species: You can view more details about the log by clicking on the hyperlink.
Acquired Date for the log
Mill Plan for the log
Dimensions of the log
Location of the log
Status of the log
Logs that have been marked as Milled will not be shown in Log Selection.