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Square's E-Commerce System

How to sync up Traece™ with Square's E-Commerce System

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over 11 months ago

Connecting Traece™ to Square

This guide will guide you through connecting your Square account to Traece™. The integration enables you to sell your inventory both in-person and online easily.

  1. When you integrate Traece™ with Square's e-commerce platform, customers can browse and purchase items online and then pick them up from your store.

  2. When you connect Traece™ to your Square Retail App (available on Apple), the items in your "Ready to Sell" inventory will be synchronized with the Square App. When your customers are ready to purchase, you can easily search for the item number, scan the QR code, or use Square's user-friendly filters to find the item and process payments using credit cards or cash. Once the credit card payment is accepted, Square will notify Traece™ that the item has been sold, and your inventory in Traece™ will be automatically updated.

  3. When using Traece™ QR codes to label inventory, scanning the QR code through the Retail App seamlessly retrieves the synced item, allowing shoppers to easily add it to their cart while in-store.

First, let’s cover the basics.


E-commerce is the process of selling your inventory to customers online. It involves customers browsing your website, selecting items they love, adding them to their online shopping cart, and making payments using their credit cards.

  • Supported Payment Integrations: Stripe OR Square. You cannot have both Stripe AND Square enabled for online payments. You must select only one.

Point of Sale

Traece™ defines Point of Sale (POS) as the process of selling your inventory to customers in person. For example, when a customer visits your shop, asks questions, and finds the perfect item for their next project, you can use the Square Retail app on your supported Apple device to process the sale.

  • Supported Payment Integrations: Square. Only Square allows in-person, app-based Traece™-connected Point of Sale integration.

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