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Adding, Editing, & Duplicating Slabs

How to Add & Edit Slab in Traece™

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a year ago

Maintaining an up-to-date inventory of your slabs is crucial when it comes to selling items from your stock and clearly understanding which slabs are available for custom pieces or furniture making. Traece™ offers a simple solution for adding new slabs into the system, including automatic calculations for board feet and pricing and an option to add statuses. With Traece™, managing your slab inventory has never been easier.

Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator

Adding a new Slab

  • From your left-hand navigation in Traece™, click on Slabs

  • From the Slabs page, click on Add Slab

The Add Slab modal in Traece™ offers a variety of data points that can be entered to help streamline board foot calculations, pricing estimates, total cost, and mill plans. By inputting this information, you can better manage your inventory and make more informed decisions when it comes to selling your slabs or using them for custom projects.

Material Information

By entering key data points in this section, you can simplify board foot calculations and pricing estimates. Additionally, it allows you to catalog and categorize your slabs as they are milled, making it easier to keep track of your inventory.

  • Date Milled: This date pre-populates with today’s date and may be manually adjusted, too. This is the date a Slab is/was milled

  • Characters: Every Slab is unique and some of the characters that make a slab unique may also increase or decrease the Slab’s value, depending on your preferences. You may add one or many Characters to a Slab. Characters then add a multiplier (a percentage amount) that is added to the base calculated price on any given slab.

  • Source Type: This is the source type of the tree

  • Source Tree: Select the Source Tree that this Slab originates from. If you have not yet entered a Source Tree for this Slab, you may do so from this page by clicking the Add New button within the Source Tree drop-down

  • Category: Category (ex. “Slab,” “Cylinder,” “Dimensional”) informs Traece™ which formula should be used when calculating board feet and pricing.

  • Log: Slabs are milled from Logs. Select the specific Log that your slab(s) originated from using this drop-down menu.

  • Surfaced Thickness: This field is automatically populated after you choose your Thickness from the thickness drop-down menu. This field may also be manually entered in decimal form.

  • Species: If a Source Tree has already been entered, Species will automatically populate with the Species that is associated with the Source Tree. If no Source Tree was assigned to this Slab, Species will be blank, and you may select (or Add New) a Tree from the drop-down list.

  • Minimum Width (inches): The width at the smallest end of a Slab (measured in inches)

  • Thickness: Select the Slab’s thickness from the drop-down list. If a new thickness must be defined, you may do so from the thickness drop-down list by clicking “Add New.”

  • Maximum Width (inches): The width at the largest end of a Slab (measured in inches)

  • Diameter (inches): If you have chosen Cylinder as the Category, the diameter (measured in inches) is utilized.

  • Number: This is an automatically generated inventory number for this Slab. It consists of the Tree prefix and an inventory number.

For instance, if you are adding in a Black Walnut, you may have Number of “BW 26,” which indicates this is the 26th Black Walnut slab catalogued in Traece™.

  • Length: The length of this slab (measured in inches)

  • Sanded: If a slab is sanded, select this box. Doing so will update the Slab’s price accordingly, based off the sanding price established under Settings > Settings > Pricing.

  • Surfaced: If a slab is surfaced, select this box. Doing so will update the Slab’s price accordingly, based off the surfaced price established under Settings > Settings > Pricing

  • Sold: Selecting this checkbox will update a Slab’s status to “sold” and will also update the Sold Date field to reflect the current date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Location & Contact Info

This section allows you to specify the location of a particular slab within your property or business premises, assign it to a contact, and input its current status.

  • Location: This is the location where a Slab may be located at any given time. Locations are customized in Traece™ under Settings > Configuration > Locations

  • Contact: If a slab needs to be assigned to a specific person, company, or job, use the Contact field. Contacts are created from the left hand navigation under Contacts

  • Status: Select a status for the new Slab. These statuses are customized in Traece™ under Settings > Configuration > Statuses


This section is designed to give you a better understanding of the monetary value of a given Slab.

  • Slab cost: You can track the cost of the slab

  • Total Slab cost: The Total Cost field on Traece™ will be automatically calculated once you enter the cost of the item.

  • Price: Price is automatically calculated based on the Slab board foot formula (Slab Minimum Width, Maximum Width, Thickness, and Length) and the Species and Thickness price. Automatically generated prices may be manually overridden to increase or decrease the price, if desired.

  • Discounts: One or many discounts may be applied to any Slab at any time.

Note: Discounts may be used by All Users or specific users within your organization, depending on how your discounts were defined under Settings > Discounts.

  • Sold Date: This field is automatically updated when a Slab status changes to “sold” or if the “sold” checkbox is selected.

  • Round BF price for calculation: Select this checkbox if you would like to use round numbers rather than decimals when using board feet to calculate the price for an item.

  • Use contact pricing: Traece™ offers the ability to create unique pricing for certain Contacts you’ve created in your Contacts portion of the system. The purpose of these contact pricing is to offer (optional) additional discounts to specific Contacts.

For instance, if you frequently work with a contractor who brings you a lot of business, you may want to set them up with special pricing that is not available to other contacts or the general public. To apply contact-specific pricing for slabs, select this box.

Note: In order for the contact pricing to be applied, a slab must have a Contact assigned to it.

  • Upload a File: You may choose to attach images, videos, and PDFs of a Slab here.

NOTE: Supported formats: JPG, PNG, mp4, PDF

  • Description: Provide details of the Slab that you wish to capture. A description may include the slab’s history, where you received it from, or any other details you would like to associate with the Slab in the long term. This description is visible on the eCommerce portion of your website when that slab is ready to sell

  • Internal Note: If a slab has unique information that you wish to retain internally, enter that information here.

  • Click Save

Editing a Slab

Traece™ provides an easy-to-use editing feature that lets you make quick changes to a slab whenever necessary.

  • Under Actions, click on edit (pencil icon)

  • After making the changes, click Save

Duplicating a Slab

Traece™ simplifies the process of creating multiple new slabs from a single log. You can quickly generate new slabs based on the details of the first slab milled.

  • Once you have entered in one New Slab and saved it, it will appear in the slab table.

  • If you wish to Duplicate this slab to create a new slab entry, click on the Duplicate icon at the end of a row for the specific slab you wish to duplicate.

  • Duplicating a slab copies all fields except:

    • Sold

    • Sold Date

    • Any images uploaded to the original Slab

    • Description

  • Click Save

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