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Dimensional Lumber: Boards & Beams

How to add Boards & Beams on Traece™

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a week ago

Traece™ classifies Dimensional Lumber into two main categories: Boards & Beams and Packs. In this guide, we will specifically explore Boards & Beams. Now, let's delve into the world of Boards & Beams. These are individual units of Lumber, each with its unique characteristics.

Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator

Accessing Boards & Beams

  • From the left-hand menu, click on Boards & Beams

Once here, you will see an overview of the Total Number of Boards & Beams stored in Traece™, the total number of Board Feet, and the Retail Value of stored materials.

Add Lumber

  • Click on the Add Lumber button in the top right corner of the page

This results in a pop-up window where you may fill out the necessary information on each item of Lumber.

Material Information

  • Date Milled: This field defaults to today’s date and represents the date the material was milled

  • Characters: Every Lumber is unique and some of the characters that make a lumber unique may also increase or decrease the Lumber’s value, depending on your preferences. You may add one or many Characters to a Lumber. Characters then add a multiplier (a percentage amount) to the base calculated price on any given Lumber.

  • Source Type: This is the source type of the tree

  • Category: Select which Category this item should be.

Note: Category tells Traece which formula to use when calculating board feet and square feet. In this case, the “Lumber” category is recommended.

  • Source Tree: In this optional field, you have the opportunity to specify the Source Tree associated with the material. By selecting a Source Tree or even creating a new one, the corresponding Tree Species will be automatically populated in the "Species" field

  • Thickness: Select (or add new) the thickness of this material

  • Surfaced Thickness (inches): This field prepopulates based on the previously-selected Thickness

  • Log: In this optional field, you have the ability to choose the specific log from which this material originates.

  • Pack #:

    • Adding Lumber to Existing Pack: If you have already started using the Packs feature within Traece™, previously created Pack numbers will appear in this drop down menu. If you wish, you may add this individual Board & Beam lumber item to an existing pack. This action will link it with that Pack and it will also be reflected in the appropriate Pack number under the Pack feature.

    • Adding Lumber to New Pack: If you have not yet defined any Packs and wish to do so here, you may. Click the drop-down and select the Add New. This action will launch a new pop-up screen to enter pack information.

  • Species: Select the tree species for this item

  • Width (inches): Provide the width (in inches) of this unit of Lumber

  • Length (inches): Provide the length (in inches) of this unit of Lumber

  • Number: Traece™ automatically generates an inventory number for this item. You may override this number after the item has been created

  • Multiplier: If you have more than one item of Lumber of the same species, thickness, dimensions, etc as the one you are currently entering, Multiplier allows you to duplicate this entry by however many similar Lumber units you have.

For instance, you're adding a 4/4 White Pine board that measures 4 inches in width and 96 inches in length. You've got 40 of these boards freshly milled. Instead of manually entering each one in Traece™, you can define one board and use the Multiplier function (which you can set to "40" in this case) to create 40 identical entries with the same specifications and attributes. This will save you a lot of time and effort.

  • Carbon Smart Wood™: CarbonSmart Wood is wood salvaged from local waste streams. If your wood was sourced, but not harvested, within 100 miles of where it is milled, then you’ve got CarbonSmart Wood!. Click this box.

  • Sanded: If this Pack unit is sanded, select this box. Doing so will update the Pack’s price accordingly, based off the sanding price established under Settings > Setting > Pricing

  • Surfaced: If this Pack unit is surfaced, select this box. Doing so will update the Pack’s price accordingly, based off the surfaced price established under Settings > Setting > Pricing

  • Sold: Selecting this checkbox will update a Pack’s status to “sold” and will also update the Sold Date field to reflect the current date (MM/DD/YYYY)

Location & Contact Info

This section is designed to specify where a given Board & Beam is located within your property or business location(s), assign a Board & Beam to a contact, and enter the Board & Beam status.

  • Location: This is the location where a Pack may be located at any given time. Locations are customized in Traece™ under Settings > Configuration > Locations

  • Contact: If a Pack needs to be assigned to a specific person, company, or job, use the Contact field. Contacts are created from the left-hand navigation under Contacts

  • Status: Select a status for the new Pack. These statuses are customized in Traece™ under Settings > Configuration > Statuses


This section is designed to give you a better understanding of the monetary value of a given Board & Beam.

  • Price: Price is automatically calculated based on the Board & Beam board foot formula (Width, Thickness, and Length) and the Species and Thickness price. Automatically generated prices may be manually overridden to increase or decrease the price, if desired.

  • Discounts: One or many discounts may be applied to any Pack at any time.

Note: Discounts may be used by All Users or specific users within your organization, depending on how your discounts were defined under Settings > Discounts.

  • Sold Date: This field is automatically updated when a Board & Beam status changes to “sold” or if the “sold” checkbox is selected.

  • Round BF price for calculation: Select this checkbox if you would like to use round numbers rather than decimals when using board feet to calculate the price for an item.

  • Use contact pricing: Traece™ offers the ability to create unique pricing for certain Contacts you’ve created in your Contacts portion of the system. The purpose of these contact pricing is to offer (optional) additional discounts to specific Contacts.

For instance, if you frequently work with a contractor who brings you a lot of business, you may want to set them up with special pricing that is not available to other contacts or the general public. To apply contact-specific pricing for slabs, select this box.

Note: In order for the contact pricing to be applied, a Lumber must have a Contact assigned to it.

  • Upload a File: You may choose to attach images, videos, and PDFs of a Board & Beam here.

NOTE: Supported formats: JPG, PNG, mp4, PDF

  • Description: Provide details of the Board & Beam that you wish to capture. A description may include the Board & Beam’s history, where you received it from, or any other details you would like to associate with the Board & Beam in the long term. This description is visible on the eCommerce portion of your website when that Board & Beam is ready to sell.

  • Internal Note: If a Board & Beam has unique information that you wish to retain internally, enter that information here.

  • Click Save or Save and Duplicate

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