Customizing your experience with the Inventory Browser is an easy process. You can effortlessly save, update, or delete preferences based on your specific needs. If you have saved multiple preferences, selecting the one you want is a straightforward process. This ensures seamless navigation through the Inventory Browser, making it a hassle-free experience.
Save Preferences
Once you have set your criteria in the Inventory Browser, you can save the preferences for future use. To save the preferences:
Click on the toggle button for 'Save preset for future use'
Enter a name
Click Save and Browse
Update Preferences
To update your saved preferences:
Click on Saved Preferences
Click Edit Preset
Make the updates
Click Save Changes
Selecting Preferences
If you have multiple saved preferences, easily select the one you want to use in the Inventory Browser. To select a saved preference:
Click on Saved Preferences
Select the preference
Click Save and Browse
Delete Preferences
If you want to delete any of your saved preferences, you can follow these steps:
Click on Saved Preferences
Click on Remove Preset
Click Yes, Remove
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