Discovering materials on the Traece™ Field App is now easier than ever with Inventory Browser. It streamlines your search with hierarchical categorization based on your chosen criteria, improving your overall experience.
Setting Up The Inventory Browser
Click on the Inventory button in the Navigation Bar
Click on Inventory Browser
If you haven't set your preferences yet, a modal will appear to help you set up your search criteria.
If the modal does not appear, click Customize to access it.
In the popup modal, under Browser Preferences, click Group By, which is required.
To set the tier, select a category
Click Select
The following categories will be seen: Material Type, Location, Status, Source Tree, Species, and Thickness.
After selecting a category, you can use the Inventory Browser. To narrow your search, you may also set up the other two tiers, Then By and Lastly By.
You can use the Inventory Browser with various category combinations.
After setting up one or more tiers, click Save and Browse to start using the Inventory Browser.
Using The Inventory Browser
Navigating through the Inventory Browser is very simple. You just need to click on a subtype for each category. After selecting the last subtype in the final category, you'll receive a list of items from a refined search. To view the details of an item, click on its Species - Inventory Number.
To go back to the previous tier, click on the back arrow.
If you want to change the categories, click Customize and update the tiers accordingly.
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