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Adding Sources

How to add Sources on the Traece™ Field App

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a year ago

Sources are the starting point of a captivating story that links the life cycle of a tree to the stunning masterpiece it eventually becomes. These sources capture the essence of nature's journey, where trees have fulfilled their purpose and reached their end. With the Traece™ Field App, you can capture important details such as the removal date, address, and label.

Adding a Source

  • Click on the Inventory button in the Navigation Bar

  • Click on Add New Inventory

  • Click on Sources

Adding a source through the mobile app will be a two-step process consisting of Material Information and Additional Information.

Any fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed.

To input information or make a selection, click on the field or arrow (>) and enter the information or select an option. Then, click on Select.

Material Information (Step 1/2)

In this step, you will be given a set of fields to fill out. These fields include the following:

  • Species - What is the species of this source?

  • Label - Choose a label that can easily identify this tree for you and your team.

  • Removal Date - This date pre-populates with today’s date and may be manually adjusted. This is the date when the source was removed.

  • Source Type - Is the source Fallen Lumber or Deconstruction?

  • Click Next Step

Additional Information (Step 2/2)

In this step, you will provide details about the source's address and description and have the option to capture images.

  • Address - Where was the source removed from? You can input the complete address or simply the zip code.

  • Images - You may choose to take or attach images of a source here.

  • Description - When noting down the source, include a detailed description with information like age, origin, and reason for removal. This will add value and depth to the products made from it.

  • Click Add New Source

You have successfully added a Source using the Traece™ Field App.

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