Maintaining a precise and current log inventory is paramount in the millwork industry, and with the Traece™ Field App, it's easier than ever. This tool empowers you to effortlessly add new logs to your inventory, providing a comprehensive platform for inputting crucial details like board feet, acquisition cost, and mill plan. With Traece™, managing your log inventory becomes streamlined and efficient, enhancing your overall business operations.
Adding a Log
Click on the Inventory button in the Navigation Bar
Click on Add New Inventory
Click on Log
Adding a log through the mobile app will be a two-step process consisting of Material Information and Additional Information.
Any fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required and must be completed.
To input information or make a selection, click on the field or arrow (>) and enter the information or select an option. Then, click on Select.
Material Information (Step 1/2)
In this step, you will be given a set of fields to fill out. These fields include the following:
Date Arrived - This date pre-populates with today’s date and may be manually adjusted. This is the date when the log arrived.
Assigned barcode - This is the unique Signumat Tag or 2D barcode assigned to the item.
You can either input the barcode number or scan its barcode or 2D code to fill in the field.
Species - If a Source Tree has been entered, the Species field will automatically be filled with the Species associated with that particular Source Tree. If no Source Tree has been assigned to this Log, the Species field will be blank, and you will need to select a Species manually.
Number - This is an autogenerated inventory number for the log. However, you may use your own inventory numbering system by overriding the automatic Inventory Number.
Small End Diameter (inches): The diameter at the smallest end of a Log
Large End Diameter (inches): The diameter at the largest end of a Log
Length (feet): The length of the Log
Source Tree - Select the Source Tree that this Log originates from.
Click Next Step
Additional Information (Step 2/2)
In this step, you will enter information about the log's location, status, acquisition cost, mill plan, description, and capture images.
Location - This is where a Log may be located at any given time.
Status - Select a status for the Log.
Log Acquisition Cost - You can use this field to enter the cost of the Log.
Images - You may choose to take or attach images of a Log here.
Description - Describe the Log you want to capture, including its source, history, and other relevant information.
Mill Plan -If you have a plan for milling this Log, use Mill Plan to enter the details.
Click Add New Log
You have successfully added a Log using the Traece™ Field App.
Next Up:
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