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Pack Creation: From Logs Inventory View

How to create a pack from the Logs View page on Traece™

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a week ago

Apart from the options of creating packs from "Create From Logs," "Create From Source Trees," and "Start Fresh," you can also create a pack directly from the Logs Inventory view on Traece™.

Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator

Add a Pack: Logs View Page

When one or more logs are selected in the view, a button is seen next to the Actions button called 'Create Pack(s)'.

  • From your left-hand navigation in Traece™, click on the Logs button

  • To add, just select one or more rows of items and click the Create Pack(s) button at the top right corner of the view

Note: Once the User clicks on Create Pack(s), they will land on 'Pack details' tab.

Note 2: Upon clicking the Go Back button from the 'Pack details' page, the Source tab will display the Logs and linked Source Trees automatically included in the Logs and Source Tree table view in Traece™.

If you click on the Go Back button, you will see this view:

Pack details tab

  • Whole Material Information

    • Date Milled: This date pre-populates with today’s date and may be manually adjusted. This is the date a Pack is/was milled

    • Inventory Number: Traece™ automatically begins creating Inventory Numbers for you (starting sequentially from 1) when you begin using the system. However, if you have your own inventory numbering system, you may override the automatic Inventory Number with your own.

    • Characters: Every Pack is unique and some of the characters that make a Pack unique may also increase or decrease the Pack’s value, depending on your preferences. You may add one or many Characters to a Pack. Characters then add a multiplier (a percentage amount) to the base calculated price on any given Pack.

    • Source Type: The source type of the tree is automatically determined based on the log selected earlier, so it will appear grayed out and cannot be edited.

    • Species: The Species field is automatically filled in with the species associated with the selected log. As a result, the field will appear grayed out and cannot be edited.

  • Pack Sizing Information

    • Thickness: Select (or add new) the thickness of this material

    • Number of Rows: This entry denotes the number of Rows tall a Pack is

    • Pack Width (inches): Provide the width (in inches) of this Pack. The Pack Width will then be multiplied by the Average Board Length, Thickness, and the number of Rows to create the Pack Board Foot Estimate.

    • Average Board Length (inches): Given the variety of board lengths you may have in a Pack, entering the Average Board Length tells Traece™ what Length to use when creating a Pack Board Foot Estimate.

    • Minimum Board Width (inches): Given the variety of board widths you may have in a Pack, entering the Minimum Board Width tells Traece™ what Width to use when creating a Pack Board Foot Estimate.

    • Minimum Board Length (inches): Packs offer the flexibility to include boards of different lengths. But, some buyers may want to know the shortest board length in a pack. To address this concern, Traece™ has the option to enter the Minimum Board Length in inches, allowing buyers to make informed decisions about their purchase.

  • Flex Material Information

    • Average Board Width (inches): Flex Packs allow Traece™ to estimate the number of items in a Pack. Providing Average Board Width is a core component of this calculation. View “Estimate individual units” below for more information on this calculation.

    • Actual Number of Items in Pack: If you know the exact number of Boards & Beams in this Pack, you may enter that number here. This is an optional field. Adding the Actual Number of Boards in Pack overrides any “Estimate individual units” selection that may have previously been calculated.

    • Estimate individual Items?: Looking to save some time and let Traece™ do the heavy lifting? Click this box. “Estimate individual items” is automatically calculated as = (Pack Width / Avg. Board Width) * Number of Rows

    • Carbon Smart Wood™: CarbonSmart Wood is wood salvaged from local waste streams. If your wood was sourced, but not harvested, within 100 miles of where it is milled, then you’ve got CarbonSmart Wood!. Click this box.

    • Sanded: If this Pack unit is sanded, select this box. Doing so will update the Pack’s price accordingly, based off the sanding price established under Settings > Setting > Pricing

    • Surfaced: If this Pack unit is surfaced, select this box. Doing so will update the Pack’s price accordingly, based off the surfaced price established under Settings > Setting > Pricing

    • Sold: Selecting this checkbox will update a Pack’s status to “sold” and will also update the Sold Date field to reflect the current date (MM/DD/YYYY)

  • Click Set Optional Info

Optional Info tab

  • Location & Contact Info

    This section is designed to specify where a given Pack is located within your property or business location(s), assign a Pack to a contact, and enter the Pack status.

    • Location: This is the location where a Pack may be located at any given time. Locations are customized in Traece™ under Settings > Configuration > Locations

    • Contact: If a Pack needs to be assigned to a specific person, company, or job, use the Contact field. Contacts are created from the left-hand navigation under Contacts

    • Status: Select a status for the new Pack. These statuses are customized in Traece™ under Settings > Configuration > Statuses

  • Pricing Information
    This section is designed to give you a better understanding of the monetary value of a given Pack.

    • Pack Cost (per bf): You can track the acquisition cost of the Pack

    • Total Pack Cost: The Total Cost field on Traece™ will be automatically calculated once you enter the cost of the item.

    • Price: Price is automatically calculated based on the Pack board foot formula (Price per Square Foot * Total Square Feet) and the Species and Thickness price. Automatically generated prices may be manually overridden to increase or decrease the price, if desired.

    • Discounts: One or many discounts may be applied to any Pack at any time. Note: Discounts may be used by All Users or specific users within your organization, depending on how your discounts were defined under Settings > Discounts

    • Round BF price for calculation: Select this checkbox if you would like to use round numbers rather than decimals when using board feet to calculate the price for an item.

  • Documents

    • Upload an image, video, or PDF: You may choose to attach images, videos, and PDFs of a Pack here. Supported formats: JPG, PNG, mp4, PDF

    • Description: Provide details of the Pack that you wish to capture. A description may include the Pack’s history, where you received it from, or any other details you would like to associate with the Pack in the long term. This description is visible on the eCommerce portion of your website when that Pack is ready to sell

  • Click Save or Save and Duplicate

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