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Batch Pricing Updates

Discover the process for updating pricing in batches using Traece™.

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a year ago

As the market conditions and species availability tend to fluctuate, updating the pricing for your existing inventory becomes essential. Traece™ provides a convenient feature called Batch Pricing Updates to efficiently change prices and recalculate the inventory value.

Using Batch Pricing Updates, you can easily modify prices for various material types, such as Slabs, Cylinders/Cookies, and Dimensional on a per-species and per-thickness basis. This feature helps to save time and effort by making the pricing updates in bulk rather than individually for each item.

Required User Level(s): Admin only

Accessing All Prices

  • Navigate to your Settings in the top-right of Traece™

  • Click Configuration on the left-hand menu

  • Click the All Prices tab

Updating All Prices in Batch

The All Prices tab displays a table containing all of your defined Tree Species and Thicknesses. It also lists the existing prices for those tree species and thicknesses for slabs, cylinders/cookies, and dimensional lumber.

Above each column on the table is a Filter:

  • Filter Species: This filter allows you to filter by one or many specific tree species in your Traece™ system. Use the filter by selecting a tree species from the drop-down or type in the name of species until it appears in the box, then click it to filter by it. Filters may be cleared by clicking the “x” next to the species’ name.

  • Filter Thickness: This filter allows you to filter by one or many thicknesses in your Traece™ system. Use the filter by selecting a thickness from the drop-down or type in the name of the thickness until it appears in the box, then click it to filter by it. Filters may be cleared by clicking the “x” next to the thickness’s name.

  • Update all pricing for visible rows: This header applies to the last 3 columns in the table: Slab Price, Cylinder Price, and Dim [Dimensional] Price.

    • When a price is entered into the box above the column name, that amount automatically updates that column with the price entered.

For instance, you may have filtered by Species = Black Walnut. In this case, you would only see Black Walnut in your table. Unless otherwise filtered, the table would also show all available Thicknesses for Black Walnut. Each Thickness then has its own price for Slabs, Cylinders, and Dimensional. Updating the column above “Slab Price” with “10.00” would update all of the Thickness-specific Slab Prices to $10.00/board foot for Black Walnut.

Table filtered by Black Walnut with Slab Pricing updated to 10.00.

  • When all relevant Species and Thicknesses have been updated for Slabs, Cylinders, and Dimensional, click Save.

  • When “Save” is clicked, a pop-up box appears:

  • Recalculate items box: This is a very important pop-up box. It asks: “Do you want to recalculate prices for all existing items? Click this box if you would also like to override any custom prices you may have created.”

    • What does this mean? Traece™ allows clients to override the system-generated prices for Slabs, Cylinders, and Dimensional. This is called creating a “custom price.” When performing Batch Pricing Updates, Traece™ needs to confirm whether or not those Custom Prices should be overridden by the new prices you’ve just added OR if you wish to keep your Custom Prices while overriding all other affected pricing.

      • No: If you click “No,” Traece™ will not override custom pricing but will update all other affected pricing.

      • Recalculate: If you click the checkbox and click “Recalculate,” Traece™ will override all affected pricing, including prior custom prices.

Updating Some Prices in Batch

It may not always be necessary to batch update every thickness or species to the same price. In some cases, it may be more prudent to quickly update some prices but not all prices. The table view in All Prices makes it easy to pick-and-choose those species and thicknesses for which you wish to update pricing.

  • From the table view, you can click into any cell that contains a price. This makes that cell editable, just like in a spreadsheet.

You may click into any given cell to update the pricing and then click into another cell to update that.

Tip: Use the “tab” button on your computer’s keyboard to quickly move to the next cell in a row.

  • When all relevant Species and Thicknesses have been updated for Slabs, Cylinders, and Dimensional, click Save.

  • When “Save” is clicked, a pop-up box appears:

  • Recalculate items box: This is a very important pop-up box. It asks: “Do you want to recalculate prices for all existing items? Click this box if you would also like to override any custom prices you may have created.”

    • What does this mean? Traece™ allows clients to override the system-generated prices for Slabs, Cylinders, and Dimensional. This is called creating a “custom price.” When performing Batch Pricing Updates, Traece™ needs to confirm whether or not those Custom Prices should be overridden by the new prices you’ve just added OR if you wish to keep your Custom Prices while overriding all other affected pricing.

      • No: If you click “No,” Traece™ will not override custom pricing but will update all other affected pricing.

      • Recalculate: If you click the checkbox and click “Recalculate,” Traece™ will override all affected pricing, including prior custom prices.

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