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Defining Contacts

How to add Contacts in Traece™

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a week ago

Traece's Contacts feature allows you to manage all your business contacts in one place, including customers, clients, vendors, and other important points of contact. With this integrated tool, it's easy to stay organized and keep track of all your important connections within Traece™.

Required User Level(s): Admin and Manager

Accessing Contacts

  • On the left-hand navigation menu, click Contacts

  • If you have already created Contacts, they will appear on this page

At a glance, the Contacts page in Traece™ displays six specific fields that allow for easy access to important information.

  • Contact Type: Traece™ allows you to create Contact Types, which is a simple and effective way to categorize the various types of Contacts you interact with on a frequent basis. In our example, we have Contact Types of Arborist, Utility, and Customer.

  • Name: This displays the First and Last Name of a Contact

  • Location: This is the City and State where the Contact is located.

  • Email: This is the Email Address of the Contact

  • Phone: This is the Phone Number of the Contact

  • Company: This is the name of the Company the Contact owns or works for.

Add a Contact

After clicking on Add Contact, you will immediately notice that the modal has two convenient tabs - Contact and Pricing - to help you easily input and manage essential information.

  • Click Add Contact in the top right corner

Contact Info - Contact Tab

  • Enter Contact Info - Contact Tab

    • First Name: The First Name of the Contact you are creating

    • Last Name: The Last Name of the Contact you are creating

    • Email: This is the Email Address of the Contact

    • Phone: This is the Phone Number of the Contact

    • Contact Type: Traece allows you to create Contact Types, which is a simple and effective way to categorize the various types of Contacts you interact with on a frequent basis. In our example, we have Contact Types of Arborist, Utility, and Customer.

    • Company: This is the name of the Company the Contact owns or works for

    • “Is Owner?” Checkbox: Select this checkbox if the Contact you are creating is also the owner of their company

  • Enter Address Info

    • Address 1: The street address where this Contact works or lives

    • Address 2: The suite, office number, or unit number where this Contact works or lives

    • City: The city where this Contact works or lives

    • State: The state where this Contact works or lives

    • Zip Code: The associated zip code for this City/State

  • Enter Comments

    • This is an internal note that can help give context or additional information regarding this Contact and your business’s relationship to them.

  • Click Save

Contact Info - Pricing Tab

  • When using Add Contact, you will see an additional Pricing tab

  • Click on the Pricing tab

  • The Pricing tab contains 5 additional fields which you may choose to populate.

    • Slab bf price

    • Slab surfaced cost

    • Slab sanded cost

    • Dimensional surfacing cost

    • Dimensional sanding cost

  • These optional fields are intended to provide additional discounts to specific Contacts, with the aim of fostering long-term relationships with valued customers or partners.

For instance, you may choose to assign a contractor, who frequently brings in business, with special pricing not available to other Contacts or the general public.

  • If you choose to offer a Contact unique pricing, enter those prices here

  • Click Save

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