Adding Thicknesses is essential to your system set-up. When you create your various thicknesses, you may then associate them with certain Tree species, thereby “training” the system to automatically create pricing for you.
Required User Level(s): Admin only
Accessing Thickness Configuration
Configuring the thickness is done in the Admin Settings area of your account.
Navigate to your Settings in the top-right of Traece™
Click Configuration on the left-hand menu
Click the Thicknesses tab.
Once here, you will see three Columns:
Name: This is the “friendly” name for your Thicknesses. Examples are 4/4 or 13/4. Names correspond to Thicknesses
Thickness: This is the actual Thickness (measured in inches) in decimal form of the friendly name. In the example of the defined Name of “4/4,” you would create a corresponding Thickness of 1.0 (1 inch). Similarly, in the example of the defined Name of “3/4,” you would create a corresponding Thickness of 3.25 (3 ¼ inches).
Actions: The Actions allow you to edit (pencil icon) any row in the table. You may also use the trash bin icon to delete a Thickness.
Note: If a Thickness is associated with an item like a Slab or Lumber asset, it cannot be deleted.
Adding a Thickness to Traece™
Click Add Thickness in the top right corner.
Give the Thickness a name (such as 4/4 or 13/4)
Give the Thickness a value for the Thickness (such as 1.0 or 3.25). This number is the number of inches that corresponds to the Name. Traece uses this value in automated calculations.
Click Save