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Saved Filter Views

How to create Filter Views in Traece™

Nishan Bhagat avatar
Written by Nishan Bhagat
Updated over a week ago

Saved Filter Views are just what they sound like: an easy way to store and quickly access the views that matter most to you! Whether you are constantly accessing the Slabs, Lumber, or Logs features within Traece™, you have the ability to create Saved Filter Views with just a few clicks.

Required User Level(s): Admin, Manager, Operator, Visitor

Create Your Desired Filter View in Traece™

For the purposes of this document, we are going to focus on the Slabs portion of Traece™.

Note: With the exception of a few fields, Saved Filter Views function identically between the various Views of Slabs, Lumber, and Logs.

  • From the Slabs page, click on the Filters button in the top right corner

  • This will expand the page to display a primary list of Filters, including Price, Length, Min. Width, Max Width, Slab Status, Characteristics, Source, and Species.

Note: If you do not see the fields by which you wish to filter, click on Advanced Filters to display even more options by which to filter.

  • Once you have selected the fields by which you want to Filter your Slabs view, verify that the view that you see reflects what you intend to view.

Save Your Filter View in Traece™

  • If the Filtered View meets all of your criteria, find the Save Filters button just beneath the Search box.

  • Once you have clicked the Save Filters button, you will be presented with a pop-up box prompting you to name your filter.

  • Click Save

Accessing Saved Filter Views in Traece™

  • After saving a Filter View, any time you return to the page where that Filter View was saved (ex. Slabs page) and next to My Filters, click on the Filter name

  • Your previously Saved Filter Views will appear

Note: Saved Filter Views are page-specific. In other words, Saved Filter Views created on the Slabs page are not accessible from the Lumber page, and vice versa.

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